Lots been happening at Chez Oliver and the bike is really coming along.
I have been doing a lot of sitting in the garage recently, thinking through some of the things that need doing .... the exhaust had been bugging me. Now that the rear hangers are gone, how am I going to mount it. Epiphany moment .... the current built in mounting plate will have to go. So the angle grinder will come out. I will then use the centre stand mount to provide a brace underneath the bike, so we get that nice clean line without some horrible Heath Robinson affair holding the end of the pipe. I may even just change the angle of the rear pipe ... I had a play with photoshop to see what it looks like.
Exhaust hanger chopped off - and exhaust remounted. Had to make a hanger from the centre stand mount. Not happy the bolts are long enough into the head securing the exhaust headers. But will be fine for a test fire up.
An OSS member was kind enough to send me some 3Ohm coils when I discovered the mismatched pair on the bike. However when I fitted them they were arcing to the frame, as the insulation round the HT has failed. So the coils are still mismatched at present. Need to budget for eith a second-hand Dynacoil - or buy a new pair!
Electrical wire arrived. Some wire extending done. Components all in place. Temp ignition barrel in place. Needed to extend the starter motor cable up to the starter solenoid, and place all obvious earths, then there was a few wires to sort out into the reg/rec (still not done)... and some floating about that I needed to trace / check on circuit diagram but horn was wired in, and we'll leave the indicators, and what I think is the side stand switch. So just the main lights and brake light to go.
Possible test fire this weekend I thought? Well all the electrics needed were in place (albeit on a total loss affair with no charging). The bike cranks OK so just need fuel.
Well fuel was purchased, tank was filled, and the battery was tasked ..... and ..... nothing, nada, nowt! Sparks sparking, kill switch not the problem, wiring checked and double checked ... Mmmm must be fuel. A quick check showed no fuel flow. So I drained the tank and removed the fuel tap to have a good look. I discovered it wasn't flowing fuel from any position. Nothing seemed wrong, the diaphragm is intact, the position switch works. But still no fuel when placed on "prime. I'm pretty sure if fuel isn't reaching the float bowls it isn't going to fire - bugger. Beats me - as all said and done for such an old bike the filter looks clean as a whistle. Of course now that I have taken the tap off, the damned seal (bloated with age) won't seal again .... Given I have flat slides, and there's no obvious take off for the vacuum feed I was planning on just running the bike with the tap set to "prime" which should bypass the daphram which opens only when a vacuum is created by the connection to the carbs.
So I thought about trying to run a container as a fuel tank with a pipe heading down to the carbs ... but I decided having combustible liquids sloshing around in an open container was stupid even for me! So dismissed the idea and headed indoors after a quick check again of the electrics - I managed to work out which of the wires coming from the ES gear position sensor was neutral - a simple case of testing continuity to earth of each of the wires coming from the ES engine when in neutral. So plugged that one into the loom, and hey presto we have a green idiot light which goes out when any other gear is selected. Have I mentioned how much I hate electrics? I'm now upgrading myself from chief electrical numpty to electrical numpty designate on account of the fact that I worked that out all by myself with no adults present :O)
So ... pingle fuel tap ordered which should arrive in a couple of days ... and hopefully we'll hear the engine for the first time.
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